my commute looks a bit different than shannon's. i have a 20 minute drive to work as well. i can choose to drive through subdivisions, the highway, or a busy shopping district. i choose the subdivision, its much prettier and less stressful.

i drive through al gore's neighborhood every day on my way to and from work. i pass hundred's of multi-million dollar homes.

i also pass a cow pasture. i'm still in nashville, but i'm traveling on the very outskirts of the city. nashville is considered a "big city" in the southern part of the USA, but it still has a small town feel....and cattle.

i travel about 12 miles to get to my work. i pass about 4 churches during this short commute. this is very common in the south, there is a church on almost every corner. i also avoid traffic since i am leaving the city for work while most are coming in. you can see all the suburbanites headed in the opposite direction.